The Domain Name System (DNS) is the Internet's system for converting human-readable domain names into numeric IP addresses and vice versa. As an example, when a Web address (URL) is typed into a browser, DNS servers return the IP address of the Web server associated with that name. In this made-up example, the DNS converts a URL such as, into an IP address, e.g.
So what is the managed DNS model? Managed DNS is a where a customer utilizes authoritative DNS servers hosted by a service provider to store their authoritative DNS records and enable Internet access to their website.
Resolving domain names to IP addresses via the DNS is the first step in the process when a user accesses a website or API. If a fresh DNS record is not located in the user's cache, the OS sets off a recursive search to find the IP address for the domain in question. The search ends at an authoritative server that provides the 'authoritative' answer to the user's query.
Managed DNS offers so many advantages. Once you start using it, for sure, you are going to notice its positive influence. Here are some of its main benefits:
Administrating DNS can be less complex with Managed DNS. Through the user-friendly control panel, you can adjust everything quickly and effortlessly.
The extensive DNS network offers clients 57 Points of Presence (PoPs) all around the world. Hosting your domain in such a network will boost the response time and loading time. Additionally, you can provide permanent access to your website no matter where the request is made. So you won't have to worry about downtime.
Having multiple PoPs increases your domain's speed and provides redundancy, ensuring constant availability. Besides, if a server fails or gets attacked, you can count on many more to keep your domain up.
With a Managed DNS, you can implement a load balancing technique to spread incoming traffic between all the available DNS servers. That will help you resist some malicious attacks. You can also add advanced protection for your domain, like DNSSEC and DDoS protected DNS.
You can choose a plan that fits your business needs perfectly. You can easily scale from a smaller plan to a more advanced one and the opposite if you decide you need that.
In case you have any questions or you need assistance regarding your domain name, you can easily contact our live chat support, which is always happy to help.
All the tools to safeguard your network surface from attackers and common exploits
Our AI will alert you when traffic fluctuates.
Detect early warning signs of attacks and stop them before your users notice.
Block unwanted traffic from potentially malicious sources by IP, ASN, or location.
Your DNS is the entry point for many of your online assets. Protect it with Two-Factor Auth and account audits.
Record real-time query logs to identify system misconfigurations or root cause analysis for attacks.
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